Chapter 4 Differential expression analysis using basic R

4.1 Gene expression analysis of histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) knockout mouse.

This short tutorial should help to understand the basic principal of gene expression analysis using simple dataset and nearly basic R.

  • Affymetrix microarray
  • Dataset: GSE5583
  • Paper: Mol Cell Biol 2006 Nov;26(21):7913-28. PMID: 16940178
  • R code: Ahmed Moustafa
# Read the data into R
library (RCurl)
url = getURL ("", followlocation = TRUE)
data = as.matrix(read.table (text = url, row.names = 1, header = T))

# Check the loaded dataset
dim(data) # Dimension of the dataset
## [1] 12488     6
# data shows gene experssion levels in 6 samples:
# rows correspond to samples (3 wild type WT and 3 knock-out KO)
# columns correspond to genes ids
head(data) # First few rows
##           WT.GSM130365 WT.GSM130366 WT.GSM130367 KO.GSM130368 KO.GSM130369 KO.GSM130370
## 100001_at         11.5          5.6         69.1         15.7         36.0         42.0
## 100002_at         20.5         32.4         93.3         31.8         14.4         22.9
## 100003_at         72.4         89.0         79.2         80.5        130.1         86.7
## 100004_at        261.0        226.2        365.1        432.0        447.3        288.1
## 100005_at       1086.2       1555.6       1487.1       1062.2       1365.9       1436.2
## 100006_at         49.7         52.9         15.0         25.8         48.8         54.8
# Exploratory plots

# Check the behavior of the data
hist(data, col = "gray", main="GSE5583 - Histogram")

# Log2 transformation (why?)
data2 = log2(data)

# Check the behavior of the data after log-transformation
hist(data2, col = "gray", main="GSE5583 (log2) - Histogram")

# Boxplot
boxplot(data2, col=c("darkgreen", "darkgreen", "darkgreen",
                     "darkred", "darkred", "darkred"),
        main="GSE5583 - boxplots", las=2)

# Hierarchical clustering of the "samples" based on
# the correlation coefficients of the expression values
hc = hclust(as.dist(1-cor(data2)))
plot(hc, main="GSE5583 - Hierarchical Clustering")

# Differential expression (DE) analysis

# Separate the two conditions into two smaller data frames
wt = data2[,1:3]
ko = data2[,4:6]

# Compute the means of the samples of each condition
wt.mean = apply(wt, 1, mean)
ko.mean = apply(ko, 1, mean)

## 100001_at 100002_at 100003_at 100004_at 100005_at 100006_at 
##  4.039868  5.306426  6.320360  8.120503 10.408872  5.089087
## 100001_at 100002_at 100003_at 100004_at 100005_at 100006_at 
##  4.844978  4.452076  6.597451  8.576804 10.318839  5.358071
# Just get the maximum of all the means
limit = max(wt.mean, ko.mean)

# Scatter plot
plot(ko.mean ~ wt.mean, xlab = "WT", ylab = "KO",
     main = "GSE5583 - Scatter", xlim = c(0, limit), ylim = c(0, limit))
# Diagonal line
abline(0, 1, col = "red")

# Compute fold-change (biological significance)
# Difference between the means of the conditions
fold = wt.mean - ko.mean

# Histogram of the fold differences
hist(fold, col = "gray")

# Compute statistical significance (using t-test)
pvalue = NULL # Empty list for the p-values
tstat = NULL # Empty list of the t test statistics

for(i in 1 : nrow(data)) { # For each gene : 
  x = wt[i,] # WT of gene number i
  y = ko[i,] # KO of gene number i
  # Compute t-test between the two conditions
  t = t.test(x, y)
  # Put the current p-value in the pvalues list
  pvalue[i] = t$p.value
  # Put the current t-statistic in the tstats list
  tstat[i] = t$statistic

## [1] 0.5449730 0.3253745 0.3287830 0.1892376 0.6928410 0.7180077
# Histogram of p-values (-log10)
hist(-log10(pvalue), col = "gray")

# Volcano: put the biological significance (fold-change)
# and statistical significance (p-value) in one plot
plot(fold, -log10(pvalue), main = "GSE5583 - Volcano")

fold_cutoff = 2
pvalue_cutoff = 0.01
abline(v = fold_cutoff, col = "blue", lwd = 3)
abline(v = -fold_cutoff, col = "red", lwd = 3)
abline(h = -log10(pvalue_cutoff), col = "green", lwd = 3)

# Screen for the genes that satisfy the filtering criteria

# Fold-change filter for "biological" significance
filter_by_fold = abs(fold) >= fold_cutoff
dim(data2[filter_by_fold, ])
## [1] 210   6
# P-value filter for "statistical" significance
filter_by_pvalue = pvalue <= pvalue_cutoff
dim(data2[filter_by_pvalue, ])
## [1] 429   6
# Combined filter (both biological and statistical)
filter_combined = filter_by_fold & filter_by_pvalue

filtered = data2[filter_combined,]
## [1] 42  6
##             WT.GSM130365 WT.GSM130366 WT.GSM130367 KO.GSM130368 KO.GSM130369 KO.GSM130370
## 100716_at       4.852998     4.906891     5.626439     7.572890     7.791163     7.299208
## 100914_at      10.340852     9.917074    10.250062    12.248787    12.185526    12.127124
## 101368_at       9.937227    10.204693    10.385215    12.270354    12.213499    12.078184
## 101550_at       5.526695     5.439623     6.221104     2.137504     2.906891     2.035624
## 101635_f_at     7.105385     6.722466     6.943687     5.266787     4.842979     4.643856
## 101883_s_at     5.768184     6.127221     5.133399    11.564292    11.679568    11.663514
# Let's generate the volcano plot again,
# highlighting the significantly differential expressed genes
plot(fold, -log10(pvalue), main = "GSE5583 - Volcano #2")
points (fold[filter_combined], -log10(pvalue[filter_combined]),
        pch = 16, col = "red")

# Highlighting up-regulated in red and down-regulated in blue
plot(fold, -log10(pvalue), main = "GSE5583 - Volcano #3")
points (fold[filter_combined & fold < 0],
        -log10(pvalue[filter_combined & fold < 0]),
        pch = 16, col = "red")
points (fold[filter_combined & fold > 0],
        -log10(pvalue[filter_combined & fold > 0]),
        pch = 16, col = "blue")

# Cluster the rows (genes) & columns (samples) by correlation
rowv = as.dendrogram(hclust(as.dist(1-cor(t(filtered)))))
colv = as.dendrogram(hclust(as.dist(1-cor(filtered))))

# Generate a heatmap
heatmap(filtered, Rowv=rowv, Colv=colv, cexCol=0.7)


# Enhanced heatmap
heatmap.2(filtered, Rowv=rowv, Colv=colv, cexCol=0.7,
          col = rev(redblue(256)), scale = "row",

# Save the heatmap to a PDF file
pdf ("GSE5583_DE_Heatmap.pdf")
heatmap.2(filtered, Rowv=rowv, Colv=colv, cexCol=0.7,
          col = rev(redblue(256)), scale = "row")

# Save the DE genes to a text file
write.table (filtered, "GSE5583_DE.txt", sep = "\t",
             quote = FALSE)
n = nrow(filtered)

cor.table = NULL
x = NULL
y = NULL
cor.val = NULL
cor.sig = NULL

for (i in 1 : (n-1)) {
  x_name = rownames(filtered)[i]
  x_exps = filtered[i, ]    
  for (j in (i+1) : n) {
    y_name = rownames(filtered)[j]
    y_exps = filtered[j, ]
    output = cor.test(x_exps,y_exps)
    x = c(x, x_name)
    y = c(y, y_name)
    cor.val = c(cor.val, output$estimate)
    cor.sig = c(cor.sig, output$p.value)

cor.table = data.frame (x, y, cor.val, cor.sig)

## [1] 861   4
##           x           y    cor.val      cor.sig
## 1 100716_at   100914_at  0.9732295 0.0010653980
## 2 100716_at   101368_at  0.9897688 0.0001564799
## 3 100716_at   101550_at -0.9060431 0.0128271221
## 4 100716_at 101635_f_at -0.9433403 0.0047245418
## 5 100716_at 101883_s_at  0.9508680 0.0035616301
## 6 100716_at   102712_at  0.9676037 0.0015572795
sig_cutoff = 0.001

cor.filtered = subset (cor.table, cor.sig < sig_cutoff)

## [1] 314   4
##            x         y    cor.val      cor.sig
## 2  100716_at 101368_at  0.9897688 1.564799e-04
## 8  100716_at 103088_at -0.9761495 8.464861e-04
## 10 100716_at 103299_at -0.9991089 1.190632e-06
## 14 100716_at 104700_at -0.9792543 6.411095e-04
## 15 100716_at 160172_at  0.9833552 4.132702e-04
## 16 100716_at 160943_at  0.9814703 5.118449e-04

4.2 Sources

Ahmed Moustafa githab