Chapter 7 Primary data analysis
7.1 Analysis of sample distribution
7.1.1 Histogram
# sample of random integers
<- round(rnorm(n=50, sd=5, mean=100))
stripchart(v, method = "stack", pch=19, cex=2, offset=.5, at=.15,
main = "Dotplot of random value", xlab = "Random value")
# add density
<- density(v)$x
x <- (10/max(density(v)$y))*density(v)$y # scale y to plot with histogram
y lines(x, y, col="red", lwd=2)
7.2 Handling missing data
- Ignore: Discard samples with missing values.
- Impute: ‘Fill in’ the missing values with other values.
- Accept: Apply methods that are unaffected by the missing data.
<- read.csv('./DATA/')
mammographic any_na(mammographic)
# Replace ? with NAs: bands
<- replace_with_na_all(mammographic, ~.x == '?')
mammographic any_na(mammographic)
Vizualysing missing data
<- vis_miss(mammographic)
a # comulative
<- vis_miss(mammographic, cluster=TRUE)
b <- gg_miss_case(mammographic)
ggarrange(a, b, c + rremove("x.text"),
labels = c("frame view", "cumulative", "missing"),
ncol = 3, nrow = 1)
Missing data types
- MCAR: Missing Completely At Random
- MAR: Missing At Random
- MNAR: Missing Not At Random
Type | Imputation | Deletion | Visual cues |
MCAR | Recommended | Will not lead to bias | Random or noisy patterns in missingness clusters |
MAR | Recommended | May lead to bias | Well-defined missingness clusters when arrangin for a particular variable(s) |
MNAR | Will lead to bias | Will lead to bias | Neither visual pattern above holds |
It can be difficult to ascertain the missingness type using visual inspection!
Internal evaluation
Compair distributions with/without imputed values:
- Mean
- Variance
- Scale
Exterlan evaluation Build ML models with/without imputated values and evaluate impact of imputation method on ML model performance:
- Classification
- Regression
- Clustering
- etc.
Ideally imputation should not bring big differences.
Mean and linear imputations
# Impute with the mean
<- bands %>%
imp_mean bind_shadow(only_miss = TRUE) %>%
add_label_shadow() %>%
# Impute with lm
<- bands %>%
imp_lm bind_shadow(only_miss = TRUE) %>%
add_label_shadow() %>%
impute_lm(Blade_pressure ~ Ink_temperature) %>%
impute_lm(Roughness ~ Ink_temperature) %>%
impute_lm(Ink_pct ~ Ink_temperature)
Combining multiple imputation models
# Aggregate the imputation models
<- bind_rows(mean = imp_mean,
imp_models lm = lmp_lm,
.id = "imp_model")
7.3 Dealing with outliers
Outliers are rare values that appear far away from the majority of the data.
Outliers can bias the results and potentially lead to incorrect conclusions if not handled properly.
It is possible to remove outliers from the data but removing data points can introduce other types of bias into the results, and potentially result in losing critical information.
If outliers seem to have a lot of influence on the results, a nonparametric test such as the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test may be appropriate to use instead.
Outliers can be identified visually using a boxplot.
- The 3-sigma rule (for normally distributed data)
- The 1.5*IQR rule (more general)
- any value lower that \(Q1 - 1.5 x IQR\)
- or any higher than \(Q3 + 1.5 x IQR\)
Multivariate methods
* Distance-based: K-nearest neighbors (kNN) distance
* Density-based: Local outlier factor (LOF)
**1.5*IQR rule**
- any value lower that \(Q1 - 1.5 x IQR\)
- or any higher than \(Q3 + 1.5 x IQR\)
Distance-based methods
- Average distance to the K-nearest neighbors
Density-based methods
- Number of the neighboring points within a certain distance
Assumption: outliers often lie far from their neighbors
Local Outlier Factor (LOF)
* Measures the local deviation of a data point with respect to its neighbors.
* Outliers are observations with substantially lower density than their neighbors.
from FNN package
- Each observation \(x\) has an associated score LOF(\(x\))
LOF(\(x\)) \(\approx\) 1 similar density to its neighbors
LOF(\(x\)) < 1 higher density than neighbors (inlier)
LOF(\(x\)) > 1 lower density than neighbors (outlier)
function from dbscan
What to do with outlier observations?
1. Retention: Keep them in your dataset and, if possible, use algorithms that are robust to outliers.
- e.g. K nearest-neighbors (kNN), tree-based methods (decision tree, random forest)
2. Imputation: Use an imputation method to replace their value with a less extreme observation.
- e.g. mode imputation, linear imputation, kNN imputation.
3. Capping: Replace them with the value of the 5-th percentile (lower limit) or 95-th percentile (upper limit).
4. Exclusion: Not recommended, especially in small datasets or those where a normal distribution cannot be assumed.
<- read.csv('./DATA/cars.csv')
cars <- cars[,1:3]
cars head(cars)
## distance consume speed
## 1 28 5 26
## 2 12 42 30
## 3 112 55 38
## 4 129 39 36
## 5 185 45 46
## 6 83 64 50
<- quantile(cars$consume)
consume_quartiles consume_quartiles
## 0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
## 4 41 46 52 122
# Scale data and create scatterplot: cars_scaled
## Rows: 388
## Columns: 3
## $ distance <int> 28, 12, 112, 129, 185, 83, 78, 123, 49, 119, 124, 118, 123, 247, 124, 173,…
## $ consume <int> 5, 42, 55, 39, 45, 64, 44, 5, 64, 53, 56, 46, 59, 51, 47, 51, 56, 51, 49, …
## $ speed <int> 26, 30, 38, 36, 46, 50, 43, 40, 26, 30, 42, 38, 59, 58, 46, 24, 36, 32, 39…
cars_scaled plot(distance ~ consume, data = cars_scaled,
main = 'Fuel consumption vs. distance')
# Calculate upper threshold: upper_th
<- consume_quartiles[4] +
upper_th 1.5 * (consume_quartiles[4] - consume_quartiles[2])
## 75%
## 68.5
# Print the sorted vector of distinct potential outliers
sort(unique(cars$consume[cars$consume > upper_th]))
## [1] 69 71 74 79 81 87 99 108 115 122
# Compute KNN score
<- get.knn(data = cars_scaled, k = 7)
cars_knn <- cars
cars1 $knn_score <- rowMeans(cars_knn$nn.dist)
# Print top 5 KNN scores and data point indices: top5_knn
<- order(cars1$knn_score, decreasing = TRUE)[1:5]) (top5_knn
## [1] 320 107 335 56 190
## [1] 4.472813 2.385471 2.246905 2.122242 1.740575
# Plot variables using KNN score as size of points
plot(distance ~ consume, data = cars1, cex = knn_score, pch = 20)
# Add lof_score column to cars1
<- cars
cars1 $lof_score <- lof(cars_scaled, minPts = 7)
# Print top 5 LOF scores and data point indices: top5_lof
<- order(cars1$lof_score, decreasing = TRUE)[1:5]) (top5_lof
## [1] 165 186 161 228 52
## [1] 2.606151 2.574906 2.328733 2.252610 2.027528
# Plot variables using LOF score as size of points
plot(distance ~ consume, data = cars1,
cex = lof_score, pch = 20)